Tips For Making Solid Business Agreements And Contracts

Keep it simple.

Contrary to what most lawyers think, you don’t need a lot of “heretofores” and “party of the first part” legalese to make a contract enforceable. Instead, create short, clear sentences with simple, numbered paragraph headings that alert the reader to what’s in the paragraph.
Identify each party correctly

Website Development Agreement – Its Meaning And Significance.

Website development broadly refers to the tasks associated with developing websites for hosting via intranet or Internet. A web development agreement is essentially a contract between a website developer and his / her client. Like all commercial or

Undersianding Limited Liability Partnership Agreement

A limited liability partnership (LLP) is governed by a legislation known as the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 and rules made thereunder. It is a form of partnership between two or more persons in which all partners concerned have limited liability to the extent

Difference Between Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) And Agreement

A memorandum of understanding (MOU) is a formal, usually non-binding document between two or more parties who use it to execute definitive agreements. Put simply, MoUs outline terms of a proposed partnership or transaction. This is the reason why MOUs,